The Class Rocket

Education is supposed to empower and lift the lives of everyone but it seems that not everyone benefits equally. Some get left behind.
Unlike most other educational websites, we intend to keep every single note, worksheet, test and exam paper free now and forever, always through the spirit of sharing.
Help Empower Students!

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By contributing to SmartGuppy, you are helping to sustain us in this crucial period as we seek in our mission to be the largest open and free database of educational resources in Singapore, helping and empowering as many students as we can in the process.

SmartGuppy relies on the continuous commitment of a very small team of dedicated people and an ever-growing community of kind-hearted educators and students who passionately believe in sharing whatever resources they have at their hands.

Your donations will enable us to grow this community of sharers, further spread the cause for free and open education, level the playing field, reduce the educational inequality and create a society where every student, regardless of being rich or poor, has the right to have access to as much educational resources as possible.
Together, let us build the largest free database of educational resources in Singapore, helping and empowering as many students as we can!
Help us with our fund-raising
We aim to empower underprivileged students and help them succeed!