Sample Paper 2 Essay (HL Literature Nov 2017)


A timed Paper 2 practice essay I did that scored 17/25. Please reach out to me if there is any illegible words, and I will try to edit to make it more readable. Areas with big ticks are considered good points that are worth evaluating.

Question tackled is about the progression of character(s) towards self-discovery. Books used are The Handmaid's Tale and A Pale View of Hills.

Notes: This was my first attempt at a timed Paper 2 practice. For posterity's sake, I have uploaded it to use as a mode of comparison between my first and later attempts.

Sample Paper 2 Essay (HL Literature Nov 2017)
  • Language: English
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Language and Literature (SL, HL)IB HLIB SL
  • Downloads: 21


Natalie Lem
Natalie Lem

I went through the IB and its struggles, and would like to share some thoughts and notes about it. Also, I sincerely apologize for the atrocious quality of my handwriting in my essays.


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