H2 SEA SBS Timeline (Interstate tensions)


Apart from the IH SBS timeline I've uploaded, I've also compiled one for SEA (IST) - Main events & dates combined with my school's history notes & from other sources so that this can be as accurate as possible.

I didn't include all of the bilateral tensions (Some within the ASEAN section) only for these few instead:

  • Malaysia-Thai
  • Malaysia-Indo
  • Malaysia-Phil
  • Thai-Cambodia Includes also other issues within the various bilateral conflicts.

Hope this will be helpful for the ones rushing in their revision. I've tried my best to arrange it in a way that makes it much simple to grasp despite the details.

H2 SEA SBS Timeline (Interstate tensions)
  • Language: English
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • History (H1, H2, H3)H2JC 1JC 2JC 3A Levels
  • Downloads: 136



My notes hope to strive in demonstrating the 'HOW' aspect instead of always reinforcing & repeating the 'WHAT' which I feel most students may be struggling with. I hope to make education relatable & personalized.


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